The "Help for Priests" Action
Ladies and Gentlemen,
For several years, Divine Providence has directed us to act for the Good of the Holy Church by helping Families. Therefore, we encourage Families to pray together every day, to place Holy Images in Houses and to create Home Shrines as places dedicated to God in the Holy Trinity and to the Mother of God, Mary Immaculate and Queen.
Recently, we have expanded our activities and produce Altars, Holy Images and other equipment for Holy Churches, as well as portable Altars. All intended for the Tridentine Masses.
During our work, we often encounter situations where financial support is needed for the implementation of the Holy Priestly Ministry, e.g. for the execution or reconstruction of the Altar.
We try to help in such situations ourselves, but we are currently unable to offer Altar for Priests at lower prices than in the store - maintaining the activities of our foundation requires more money than the income from the Workshop.
That is why we are looking for Donors, thanks to which Priests will receive Portable Altars free of charge. At the same time, it will also support the activities of our foundation.
We ask for donations for statutory purposes of our foundation with the note - The "Help for Priests" Action (transfer title "donation for statutory purposes - Help for Priests Action").
As part of this action, we undertake to provide, free of charge, to Priests who wish to celebrate Tridentine Masses, portable Altars.
Please wrtie us for payment instructions.
On behalf of the Priests and our own, we send Heartfelt God Reward!